How I replaced letsencrypt with CloudFlare and whyLetsencrypt is a great tool secure web services. But using it long-term started to be too time-consuming for me. So I replaced it.Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
How to make a screenshot from the terminal/console and view it right there on LinuxThe problem: I am building a Digital Signage solution using cheap Linux-running devices as player hardware and I want to roughly see…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Installing Spacemacs on Ubuntu 19.04 discoI use Spacemacs as my favorite code editor. Unfortunately, the installation documentation is missing important details.Jan 28, 20202Jan 28, 20202
Playing with the Atomic Pi’s gyroscope and accelerometer (BNO055)So I got myself an Atomic Pi to tinker around. I bought it out of curiosity. An x86 CPU with a gyro for cheap. Gotta try this out!Jul 10, 20191Jul 10, 20191
Making SSH and SCP work for automated deployments via in GitLab or any other CI/CD systemSo you want to copy your build artifacts to some server but ssh complains about host key verification and missing credentials?Jun 26, 20193Jun 26, 20193
Deploying Elixir/Phoenix projects to productionSetting up a bare Ubuntu 18 machine to deplaoy an Elixir/Phoenix service supervised by systemd behind nginx to handle TLS (SSL) encryption.Apr 4, 2019Apr 4, 2019