Installing Spacemacs on Ubuntu 19.04 disco and 20.04 focal

Martin Dobberstein (gutschilla)
2 min readJan 28, 2020


I use Spacemacs as my favorite editor. It’s basically an Emacs customization which beautifies Emacs and adds vi key bindings- the evil mode.

Why Spacemacs? I use it as am too old (read: too productive) to use anything else but vi key bindings and basically every other Editor or IDE I tried to use that offered vi key bindings (Atom, VS Code, IntelliJ to name a few) just implemented a subset of vi’s capabilities — sometimes macros don’t work, or the command-mode is not well-integrated: :%s/this/that/g should offer an in-place preview of changes for example.

Unfortunately, the installation isn’t as straightforward as just cloning their repo:

  • the gnupg keyring for the MELPA package archive is outdated
  • Source Code Pro needs to be installed
# install emacs
apt install emacs
# install spacemacs
git clone ~/.emacs.d
mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/elpa/gnupg
gpg --homedir ~/.emacs.d/elpa/gnupg --receive-keys 066DAFCB81E42C40
# install Source Code Pro
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
cp source-code-pro-*-it/OTF/*.otf ~/.fonts/
rm -rf source-code-pro*
# finally run spacemacs (installer)

This will finally install spacemacs. Anwser the questions regarding style (vim) and toolbox (helm) correctly and you’re almost good.

<ALT>+X package-install <RETURN> gnu-elpa-keyring-update <RETURN>

This should make sure keyring updates are really up to date as the key above may be out of date at the time you’re reading this. Refer to for an up-to-date fingerprint if neither works.



Martin Dobberstein (gutschilla)

Roles: Web agency co-founder, Freelance consultant, Tech-Lead at a banking startup, IT Head, Solution Architect